How Do I Delete an Account From Outlook Mobile App?

Tyler Yates

Are you looking to delete an account from the Outlook mobile app? It’s a simple process, but it might not be immediately apparent. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps.

Step 1: Open the Outlook Mobile App

The first step is to open the Outlook mobile app on your smartphone or tablet. Once you have it open, navigate to the settings menu. You can do this by tapping on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of your screen.

Step 2: Open Account Settings

Once you’re in the settings menu, scroll down until you see “Accounts.” Tap on that option to open your account settings.


If your screen displays additional options like General, Notifications, etc before accounts then click on ‘Settings’ at bottom-left corner and select ‘Accounts’ from there

Step 3: Select the Account You Want to Delete

In this section, you’ll see a list of all the accounts that are currently linked to your Outlook mobile app. Select the account that you want to delete by tapping on it.

Step 4: Delete Your Account

Once you’ve selected your account, scroll down until you see the option “Delete Account” at the bottom of your screen. Tap on this option.


If this option isn’t visible then make sure that any sync operation for your selected account is completed or stopped before proceeding for deletion

Step 5: Confirm Deletion

After tapping on “Delete Account,” a pop-up will appear asking if you’re sure you want to delete this account. Confirm that you do by tapping “Yes” or “Delete.”

Congratulations! You’ve successfully deleted an account from Outlook mobile app.

  • Tip: If you’re looking to add a new account, go back to the account settings menu and select “Add Account.”
  • Tip: Make sure that you’ve saved any important emails or data from the account before deleting it.

Final Thoughts

Deleting an account from the Outlook mobile app is a straightforward process, but it’s important to make sure that you’ve saved any necessary data before doing so. We hope this tutorial has been helpful in guiding you through the steps.